10 Piece (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Weight 400gm To 1000 Gm
Application For Gardening or Selling Purpose
Country of Origin India
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Product Details

It Should Be Fertile and Well Drained. Sandy Loam or Black Soil Should Be Preferred.
All Season of India
Scientific Name
Mangifera Indica
Langada, Dashehari, Mallika, Aamrapali,Kesar, Hapoos.
First Crop Within After 3 Years and Highest Yields from the Next 4 or 5 Years.
Plant Age Limit
18 to 20 Years

GICA provide the Mango plants with various varieties. These plants are of grafting type with on 3rd Year harvesting process is start. We providing Kesar, Amrapali, Langara, Dasheri, All time mango (Baramasi) fruit plants which have delicious, non- perishable fruit quality and highly marketable demand. So, farmers can get more profit up to min. 20-25 years.


A mango is an edible stone fruit produced by the tropical tree Mangiferaindica. It is believed to have originated in the region between northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh, and northeastern India.

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Economy Product and Uses
726 Plants per acre(10*6)sq.ft. The vitamins, minerals, andantioxidantsin mangos can provide important health benefits.
3rdYear–15-25Kg/plantProduction726Plants*15kg(mango)=10890kg vitaminKhelpsyourbloodcloteffectivelyand helps prevent anemia.
Min.wholesale market rate(30-60Rs.Perkg) TotalCost-10890*(30)Rs.(average)= 3,26,700/- Playsanimportantroleinhelpingstrengthenyourbones.
4thYear–25-50Kg/plantProduction726Plants*25kg(mango)=18150kg Alsorichin vitaminC,whichisimportantfo formingbloodvesselsandhealthycollagen,as well as helping you heal.
Total Cost– 18150*(30 Rs /kg plant Average)= 5,44,500/- Themangopulpisusedtomakemostof the standard secondary processed products.
5 th Year – 50-80 Kg/plant Production 726 Plants*50kg(Mango)= 36300kg Processed products include fruitjuices,fruit drinks, nectars, dairy products, baby foods.
TotalCost–36300*(30Rs/kg plan tAverage) =1089000  Alsouses in wine, jams, jellies, pickles, smoothies, chutney
Farmeralsotakeintercropsduringfirst3years. Cannedslices,chips, leathers,andpowder.

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